Our professional staff is experienced with beginning through advanced instruction and enjoy working with youngsters as well as adults.


Fall Recitals 2016

December 9 (Friday) - Lake Harriet House of Music (4948 Washburn Ave. South)
6:00-7:00 - FULL

December 10 (Saturday)- Lake Harriet House of Music
1:00-2:00 - FULL
December 11 (Sunday)- Lake Harriet House of Music
11:00-12:00 - FULL
1:00-2:00 - FULL
3:00-4:00 - FULL

December 11 - Famous Dave's Uptown (Calhoun Square)
4:30-6:30 (This recital/showcase/fundraiser is for electric guitars or bass, drums and singer/songwriters and bands.)

Sunday - December 11 -House of Music Showcase and Fundraiser
4:30-6:30 -Famous Dave's in Uptown's Calhoun Square
$6 advance ticket - $9 at the door - (click here to purchase tickets!)
Performers and House of Music students get in FREE!

What will you see/hear?
Over the past six years these shows have become very entertaining and it's been amazing to watch some of these young performers blossom on stage before our eyes! Most of the performers are long time students at the House of Music and in some cases have formed bands with other LHHM students or friends. You'll see and hear some students performing on their own, with their own group made entirely of students or with teachers mixed in to fill out the performance. These students work hard and are truly inspirational to us as teachers and other newer students with performing aspirations. We hope you will attend, bring your kids and tell friends to come enjoy and support these performers and the House of Music.

There will be a $6 in advance, $9 at the door admission fee (Performers and House of Music students get in FREE!).
We are trying to raise money to help cover some of the expenses for improvements to our facilities, musical equipment, website and provide scholarships for participants of our summer programs that may need help financially.

So please come and enjoy the music, eat some BBQ, have a cocktail and cheer on these young performers!

The address…
Famous Dave's BBQ Uptown
3001 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408

For those of you that can't make the performance, but would like to contribute, here is a link to donate whatever amount you feel comfortable.